Common Myths About Varicose Veins Debunked

Varicose veins are a type of vascular disease that leads to twisted, swollen veins, usually found in the legs, but can occur anywhere on the body. This generally happens when the damaged veins are unable to pump blood to the heart.  There are a lot of myths surrounding this ailment that needs to be debunked right away so that you know how best to deal with this condition.

A Harmless Condition

In certain cases, varicose veins can be a cosmetic issue, but it can cause itching, aching and throbbing if left uncared for a long period of time. Extreme cases can lead to thickened skin, dermatitis and swelling, with opening up of pores in the end stages, which is rare to see. Only 1 out of 10 people go on to have extreme conditions from varicose veins.

Caused By Cross-Leg Sitting Position

There is no strong proof that favors in support of such a statement. Varicose veins are generally a result of pregnancy, repeated pregnancies or heredity. For those who are already suffering from this condition, it may get worse if they are obese or gaining too much weight during this time. Even though they are more common in females and elder people, it can occur in males and young people as well.

Easily Visible

Not in every case will you see the varicose veins bulging out with visible lines on the outer part of your skin. Sometimes they can be hard to notice, as they develop deep inside causing similar symptoms of skin darkening, itchy rashes, achy legs, swelling and cramps.

They Are Spider Veins

Don’t confuse the spider veins with the varicose veins, as the former is a simple cosmetic issue withdilated veins on the skin surface, while the latter is a more serious issue. The stress from varicose veins may trigger the spider veins, but both are completely different thing.

Exercising Will Make The Situation Worse

Working out is good for many aspects of health, and taking it out of the equation would be a stupid decision. Some people witness significant skin changes and swelling, while the others have deep veins in muscles known as deep venous insufficiency. This can be tackled by walking or other exercises that hit the calf muscles, pumping the blood to the center of the body. Ankle exercises are also a good option to maintain flexibility.

Avoid Surgical Treatments

Compression stockings may alleviate the symptoms of swelling and pain temporarily, but surgical methods are quite effective in curing this condition completely.Sclerotherapy is one such treatment modality, which is basically a non-invasive technique taking less than 10 minutes to complete. It involves safe use of a substance that makes the veins shrivel leading to normalized condition, without causing any side effects, unlike other surgical methods.

Are you concerned about the growing symptoms of varicose veins and want to eliminate them? Arrange for a free consultation with Dr. RobertFischer today, and let all your doubts be cleared.

This article was not written by Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D and may not represent his views. To talk to Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D. please contact the office directly.

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