Plastic Surgery Ideas for Men

Traditionally, women have comprised the majority of plastic surgery patients, but over the last few years, a growing number of men have shown interest in this service. Many of these men are baby boomers who have taken care of their bodies internally and want to look great externally. Others are married men whose wives have talked them into getting a surgical operation. Below are some ideas for men who are considering cosmetic surgery.

Rejuvenation of the Eyelids

As with women, the eyes of men will often show signs of aging. This includes furrowed skin which is loose and hanging, as well as lateral brows which hang above the upper eyelids. Some aging men will also notice fat pads beneath their eyelids with tear troughs that are accentuated. Eyes which appear this way will make a man look like he has lost his vitality and vigor. Blepharoplasty, or the rejuvenation of the eyelids, is a surgical procedure which can restore the upper eyelids of a man to a youthful appearance. The lower eyelids are also enhanced by getting rid of excess fat and positioning the tissue above the cheek to get rid of the tear troughs.

Neck Lift

Few men want a neck that resembles a turkey, but this is precisely what can happen as they age. The ideal man has a prominent jaw line with a chin/neck junction that is sharp. If your neck has hanging skin, it can cover the jaw line and make you look a lot older than you actually are. The neck lift is an excellent surgical procedure that can restore your appearance, giving you a look of strength and energy. In the hands of a competent surgeon, this procedure can be done with ease and minimal pain, and patients can recover in less than two weeks.

Masculine Breast Reduction

Some aging men will experience a very distressing condition where, due to excess skin and fat within their chests, their breasts will begin to hang, resembling those of a woman. Plastic surgeons can eliminate this problem through male breast reduction, which is also known as Gynecomastia. This procedure makes use of ultrasound liposuction combined with an excision which is made directly to the chest, giving it the masculine appearance it should have.

Nose Surgery

Proportionality is the key to looking youthful and healthy, and if your nose seems larger or smaller than it should be, surgeons can carry out a procedure called Rhinoplasty, which will make it proportional to the rest of your face. Many surgeons will also modify the chin simultaneously, which will further give your face a harmonious appearance. While this surgery provides a quick recovery, it should only be done by a skilled and experienced surgeon. The goal is to provide shape to the nose without making it look feminine.

Plastic surgery is a growing field that is no longer restricted to just women. As a growing number of male baby boomers retire and approach their golden years, they will be searching for surgical solutions that can make them look younger, healthier and strong. Consult with Dr. Robert S. Fischer if you want to know more about cosmetic surgery procedures for men.

This article was not written by Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D and may not represent his views. To talk to Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D. please contact the office directly.

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