Procedures That Can Help To Firm And Tighten Your Skin

As people age, the skin starts to lose its elasticity and it takes on a slack appearance. While it differs from one individual to the next, this usually affects the lower part of the face. The laxity can also affect the brow and the eyelids, leaving the individual looking old and tired. Fortunately, this is a situation that can be corrected and many people are turning to cosmetic procedures for solutions.

Unlike in the past, facial surgeries have become more natural and patients do not have to end up with the “plastic look”. This has led to the popularity of cosmetic procedures and more people are turning to surgeons to improve their appearance.  As long as you get the procedure done by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, you can get the results that you desire. You can look as natural as possible without the overdone, pulled appearance.

Correcting slightly loose skin

For minimally loose skin, there are noninvasive technologies that work perfectly. For patients with slight skin looseness the non-invasive treatment can be very helpful. This is the type of skin that is still elastic and is in fairly good condition. The treatment involves the use of ultrasound or radio frequency and it is usually preventive for those with early signs of skin laxity. This procedure is more popular with younger women with good quality skin.

Fixing sagging skin permanently

For a permanent solution to sagging skin, a facelift is recommended. Surgery is the best solution for treating aging and slack skin. Most patients, even those who do not mind some wrinkles, want their skin to be tight and firm like it was when they were younger. Some issues like jowls that cannot be solved with injectables can be addressed effectively with surgery.  A facelift essentially lifts the skin back to the position where it belongs, which helps to redefine the facial contours. There are different types of facial lifts that are individualized depending on the patient’s anatomy and the desired outcome.

Getting rid of puffy eyes

Many people have eyes that make them look older than they really are and this is usually genetic. Puffiness and loose skin under the eyes makes the individual look tired or angry all the time. Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that can help to correct the puffiness that can occur on the lower and upper eyelids. People who suffer from the loose skin find that the treatment helps to make them look much younger.

When you decide to get a surgical procedure, it is very important to ensure that you get the services of a good and experienced surgeon. This will help to ensure that you end up with the desired results. Many people have ended up with results that were scary, simply because they did not do their research when looking for surgical treatment. If you are wondering whether a surgical procedure is right for you, contact us for all the help that you need. You can look and feel as young as you want to be.

This article was not written by Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D and may not represent his views. To talk to Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D. please contact the office directly.

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