As a patient of Dr. Fischer for a number of years,I can personally attest to his knowledge,professionalism,and competence in the field of cosmetic surgery.Dr. Fischer is that rare breed who puts his patients well-being,self esteem, and overall health before his pocket book.Dr.Fischer employees only the latest and most up yo date equipment,and is constantly training to keep his surgical methods current,and his skills as sharp and reliable as anyone else in this field. His office staff,and assistants both in and out of the surgical arena are top notch.Anyone considering surgery for either cosmetic,or medical reasons(accident,or work injury) should take the time to call and make an appointment with this most esteemed and qualified specialist.It is comforting to know that the best is located right here in New Jersey

This article was not written by Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D and may not represent his views. To talk to Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D. please contact the office directly.

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