Reverse Abdominoplasty: What Is It And When Is It Needed?

Various forms of liposuction are the most common techniques to reshape abdomen contour, but one treatment than can produce similarly effective result is reverse abdominoplasty. For starters, regular abdominoplasty refers to varying degrees of excess fatty tissues, loose excess skin on the lower abdomen and separation of abdominal wall rectus muscle. This type of cosmetic surgery involves elimination of fatty tissue and excess skin from the lower abdomen, reconnection of rectus muscle to stiffen the abdominal wall and reshaping of excess fatty tissue with liposuction to provide the desired shape.

On the other hand, a reverse abdominoplasty is for someone with only excess fat in lower abdomen, loose excess skin in the upper one and without diastasis, which affects the contour. This treatment initiates with cuts succeeded by folding of lower breast and crossing the lower sternum for connecting the sides of abdomen. In order to preserve the blood supply on both sides of the belly button, the thick skin is lifted down the abdomen. Depending upon the patient requirement, the elevated excess skin of the abdomen can be tackled in a few ways.

Is rejuvenation of breast required?

In case a woman has excess skin in upper abdomen, and she also desires breast rejuvenation, the elevated excess skin can be made use of, for self-augmentation, in order to provide the desired shape and fullness. This process is usually carried out in combination with a breast lift, and can be used as a substitute for breast implants. The concept with reverse abdominoplasty is to remove the excess outer skin and fill the breast void with added volume of tissues, along with fat grafting that is collected from the lower abdomen and the thighs, to give a reasonable shape to the breasts.

Tightening of upper abdominal contour

This is another case where reverse abdominoplasty can be quite effective. After incising and elevating loose excess skin of the abdomen, the unwanted portion is removed and the remaining tissues are fixated to the rib fascia of the lower breast fold, in order to prevent the scars from showing up on the upper abdomen. It’s a primary procedure for someone with loose upper abdominal skin that doesn’t respond to liposuction alone. The removal of excess skin provides a tight appearance to the entire abdomen.

To counter mal-positioned implants

In few cases, breast implants drift lateral to the original position for women with loose skin on the upper abdomen in combination with preceding augmentation mammoplasty. Mal-positioning of implants can be taken care of by reverse abdominoplasty, in which the excess elevated tissues can be used as soft tissue suspension to help stabilize and relocate the implants. The procedure is quite similar to that of Acellular Dermal Matrix, however, here you can save product cost to provide long-term results.

The most exciting aspect of any cosmetic surgery is the creative skills of the plastic surgeon. Dr. Robert S.Fischer M.D. is an expert in usinginnovative methods for low-stress surgical procedures. Contact us today to book an appointment!

This article was not written by Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D and may not represent his views. To talk to Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D. please contact the office directly.

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