The Benefits Of Photofacials

The photofacial is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that can treat facial blemishes such as sun damage, liver spots, skin discoloration, and blood vessels which are dilated. This procedure is especially popular just before the holidays as many people tend to take many photos with their family and friends during the celebratory season and want to look their best. Below are some benefits associated with this procedure:

A Photofacial Can Repair Both Internal And External Problems

Photofacials make use of intense pulsed light that has many potential applications. It affects not only the skin’s surface, but also the area beneath it. A photofacial can treat smaller blood vessels, as well as eradicating irregularities in pigmentation. Another common problem that many people experience is acne and pores which are larger than they should be. A photofacial can reduce the size of pores, while also reducing acne or even eliminating it completely.

Photofacials Stimulate Collagen Production

Because this treatment reaches the lower skin layers it prompts the growth of collagen. It accomplishes this through the simulation of dermal injuries which are minor, which enhances the texture of the skin. Some people suffer from skin which is abnormally red, or a condition called rosacea. Photofacials have proven to be effective in treating these conditions.

Photofacials Can Be Used In Conjunction With Other Treatments

One key benefit of photofacials is that it can be used in conjunction with other treatments such as microdermabrasion and chemical peels. It is best used with any treatment that focuses on the epidermis. In terms of cost, the photofacial is more affordable than many alternatives, and is more effective.

The Side Effects Associated With Photofacials Are Minimal

Every cosmetic procedure, whether it is invasive or non-invasive, will come with side effects. The good news regarding photofacials is that while this procedure does have side effects, they are minimal compared to other methods. Some of the side effects that a patient may experience with this treatment include swelling, flushing in the face, and redness, but these effects are moderate and will typically go away within hours or days after receiving the treatment.

In rare cases some patients have experienced blisters or even bleeding, but such occurrences are rare. Additional side effects which appear uncommonly are scarring and hypopigmentation, which results in the skin becoming lighter or darker. Many of the complications associated with this procedure can be avoided if you’re open with your surgeon regarding your medical records. Some conditions which can disqualify an individual from receiving this treatment include skin cancer, pregnancy, lesions which are open and raised scarring.

When speaking with your cosmetic surgeon regarding this procedure, it is also crucial to inform them of your medical records and all medications which you are using currently. This will make it easy for the surgeon to determine whether or not you meet the qualifications necessary for treatment, and to find out more about this procedure, you should speak with a professional who specializes in cosmetic skin treatments.

This article was not written by Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D and may not represent his views. To talk to Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D. please contact the office directly.

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