Top Tips For A Younger-Looking Pair Of Hands

For some women, aging can be a fun process – from adolescence and adulthood to being a mother and a grandparent. However, the physical changes that they experience on their bodies may not make them feel the same way. One of the most prominent signs of aging can be found on your hands as you get older.

That being said, hand rejuvenation (particularly the dorsum) has been garnering increased attention in recent years mainly due to its unparalleled aesthetic in the quest to slow down the aging process. As a result, cosmetic surgeons have advocated a number of methods to achieve optimal results in terms of maintaining and improving aesthetics. The possible methods include:


This method is used when the patient’s hands start to look ropy and large veins are beginning to pop up. Yes, the veins are those that have texture and you can push it back and forth. However, you do not need to fret as there is a way to get rid of those issues. A mixture of lidocaine and sodium chloride will be injected directly into the vein that’s causing your distress and cause it to swell before collapsing for good. There is no downtime for Sclerotherapy and the costs vary according to the number of veins you want treated.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Dark spots are the next indicator of aging hands. They are also identified as age spots which can also be a skin issue called melasma. If your main problem is hyper-pigmentation, it is better fot you to opt for IPL treatment. IPL is in fact the standard method to treat dark spots all over your body, and that includes your hands. IPL is also sometimes referred to as a photofacial or fotofacial which involves the use of short blasts of light with high intensities to damage to dark spots on your skin. The spots will get darker and then fall within a few weeks, so do not be alarmed when that happens.


One of the reasons that cause your hands to look skeletal is the loss of volume. Your hands will tend to lose collagen and elastin as you age. The lack of these elements will accentuate the look of crepey skin over time. Radiesse is known as a stimulatory dermal filler that is approved by the FDA. Not only does it temporarily add dimension, but also stimulate your skin to produce more collagen. When this filler is used on the hands, the results are only guaranteed to stay for three months as compared to usage on the facial region, which can last up to 18 months.

If you want to improve the physical appearance of your hands and would be interested in a hand rejuvenation procedure, do not hesitate to contact us at Robert S. Fischer M.D. to make an appointment. Do note that you should set goals and expectation that are realistic before agreeing on this procedure. Our surgeons will help you by reviewing your medical record and see if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

This article was not written by Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D and may not represent his views. To talk to Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D. please contact the office directly.

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