The Benefits of Microlipoinjection

Microlipoinjection is a procedure which involves the transfer of fat. It is commonly used in cosmetic procedures that involve the enhancement of the face. As a person ages their face will often decrease in volume and this procedure is designed to reduce that effect. The surgeon may harvest small bits of fat from the abdomen or thighs and then inject it into various areas of the face to make it fuller. Specific areas of the face which are commonly injected with fat include the cheeks and lips.

How does Microlipoinjection Work?

During this operation the surgeon will use anesthesia to numb the areas for injection and extraction. After this is done an instrument called a lipocannula will be used to remove the fat. The surgeon must then take the fat and process it before it can be reinjected into the desired area of the body. Research conducted on fat transfer has shown that it is an effective method for increasing the volume of the face, especially the lips. Microlipoinjection is rarely performed alone, and is usually one aspect of multiple rejuvenation procedures for the face, such as the facelift.

Who is Eligible for Microlipoinjection?

This cosmetic procedure is designed for patients that want to improve their faces, especially their lips or cheeks. Patients who have wrinkles resulting from advancing age are often great candidates for Microlipoinjection, as well as individuals who have facial issues such as scars. Many surgeons will combine it with an eyelift and facelift to maximize its effectiveness.

What can I Expect from Microlipoinjection?

When fat is transferred from one part of the body to another, it can be absorbed rapidly. As a result the surgeon will have to over inject the treatment area to make sure it retains a sufficient amount of fat. This can result in increased swelling for a time, but the swelling will decrease after two weeks. Patients can use cold compresses to make the swelling go down faster.

In terms of risk this procedure has been shown to be quite safe. Patients don’t have to worry about allergic reactions since the fat will be extracted and injected from the patient’s own body, as opposed to another source. Additionally, few side effects have been reported from people who have undergone Microlipoinjection. In terms of efficiency the success of this procedure can vary from one patient to another. Most people who undergo this operation will see improvement within the first three to six months, and a portion of the fat that is injected will remain permanently, meaning there is no need to return frequently for more treatments.

Cosmetic surgery is an exciting, growing field, and Microlipoinjection is one of the many procedures that are being used to make people look younger and feel great. However, this procedure should only be performed by a surgeon who is qualified, trained and experienced. They should be able to present you with examples of previous work they’ve done, so you can see how they operate. While this procedure may be costly when done by skilled professional the results are worth it.

This article was not written by Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D and may not represent his views. To talk to Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D. please contact the office directly.

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