What Types Of Procedures Can Really Reduce Cellulite?

Several types of cosmetic procedures claim to have the power to reduce cellulite, sometimes even get rid of it for good. For some of these, the effectiveness is observable while on the other hand, some of the solutions don’t really work. Let’s take a look at the cellulite reduction solutions available and whether or not they are effective.

Laser therapy

Incisions are made at the area with cellulite and a laser emitting probe is inserted through it. They cut the fibrous bands that tend to cause dimples and also melt the fat.

Verdict: The advancement of technology has led to the invention of new invasive lasers which sometimes yield immediate results after only one session. However, laser therapy sometimes causes swelling and bruising and patients may need to wear compression clothing for up to two weeks after the treatment. This is the most effective procedure for reducing cellulite and getting rid of it completely.


A hand held suction machine is used to suck and knead the patient’s skin tissue to loosen connective tissue as well as increase circulation. One session lasts for up to half an hour and a patient may be required to go for multiple sessions.

Verdict: This is a deep tissue massage and may therefore help to reduce cellulite and improve drainage of lymphatic cells. However, the results are not permanent. They only last for a short while.

Anti-cellulite creams and lotions

Cellulite affected areas not only appear dimpled, but they also tend to be dehydrated. Anti-cellulite creams are manufactured using retinol or caffeine. Both of these chemicals increase blood flow to the affected area, thus reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Verdict: Expensive lotions and creams that claim to reduce cellulite are simply not worth the money. While using them may be harmless and produce temporary results, it’s not possible that they can make any significant impact, at least not scientifically.


Just as the name suggests, this procedure uses suction to get rid of excess body fat. A small incision is made at the cellulite area and a small, hollow tube attached to a vacuum or a syringe is used to suction excess fat.

Verdict: A few years back, most people believed that this was an effective way of reducing the cellulite appearance. This is not the case anymore as its results are only temporary. In addition, it tends to make it worse as it leads to dimples on the skin.

Radiofrequency therapy

Radiofrequency therapy is a procedure that relies on devices which typically apply heat to the skin. This causes swelling and thickening of the skin temporarily, hence reducing the appearance of cellulite and smoothening of the skin. Doctors recommend that patients go for two sessions every week for at least one month for best results.

Verdict: For most patients, the treatment is effective for reducing cellulite, especially the mild cases. For severe cases where shadows, valleys and peaks are visible, radiofrequency therapy alone may not provide effective results.

Simply put, it takes a great deal to achieve effective cellulite reduction. Having the right information on what options work and which ones don’t will help patients make informed choices. If you are not sure about what type of treatment you should consider, do make an appointment booking and consult Dr. Fischer.

This article was not written by Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D and may not represent his views. To talk to Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D. please contact the office directly.

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