severe acne

How To Treat Severe Acne

A few large pimples on your face can be a symptom of severe acne as well as a breakout of blackheads and whiteheads. Most people suffering from severe acne tend to have this kind of breakouts which appear on their face, back and chest and sometimes on their jawline and even on the neck down to the buttocks.

Severe acne precipitates breakouts that often dig deep into the skin and culminates into cysts and nodules that tend to be painful. After the affected person receives appropriate treatment, acne scars can often be visible. You may also continue to see spots of the effects of acne after your face clears.

It goes without saying that severe acne can be very stubborn. Over the counter creams and medicine from a pharmacy cannot clear severe acne. In order for it to clear, you either have to wait for years until it clears naturally or opt for surgical solutions.

Benefits Of Treating Severe Acne.

Living with severe acne can be psychologically stigmatic resulting into low self-image, depression, or anxiety. People with acne may feel uneasy around friends and family and also when appearing for a job interview. Proper acne treatment can help to clear acne, prevent new scars, and uplift a person’s confidence.

How To Treat Severe Acne.

A skin specialist often treats severe acne with one of the following:

Antibiotic in tandem with medicine is often the basic treatment recommended for severe acne. When you take an antibiotic for sometime, you will see a reduction of the redness and swelling of acne. The medicine you apply to your skin basically works to reduce bacteria and clogged pores.

If this treatment fails to produce the desired results, your dermatologist may opt to talk with you about isotretinoin.

Isotretinoin is a potent medicine that combats all four causes of acne — inflammation, excess oil clogged pores and bacteria. About 85% of affected persons see permanent clearing after the first course of isotretinoin.

A monitoring program due to possible side effects may be useful when considering whether you want to take this mode of treatment.

For females, a birth control pill can be an effective aspect of an acne treatment program. This may be used along with an antibiotic or a medicine known as spironolactone to control acne. It can take 2 to 3 months to see results. Your doctor must weigh the pros and construction of using the pill to treat acne. Spironolactone which reduces excess oil, can also effectively treat severe acne in women.

Acne Removal

Dermatologists use acne extraction to remove stubborn whiteheads and blackheads as an advanced treatment. They prescribe it to treat a very serious type of severe acne known as fulminans. It’s also used to treat an itchy, acne-like rash known as pityrosporum folliculitis.

Non-Surgical Treatment

You have an option to seek non-surgical procedure to treat severe acne. If you have mild to severe scarring caused by acne, you can talk to a professional cosmetic surgeon to get a chemical peel. This procedure removes all impurities and dead skin cells to allow growth of new, healthy layer of skin. You can also opt for dermabrasion or laser resurfacing technique to take care of your acne problem.

No one needs to live with severe acne. While acne can be stubborn, it’s not impossible to get clearing.

This article was not written by Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D and may not represent his views. To talk to Dr. Robert S. Fischer M.D. please contact the office directly.

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